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  • Writer's pictureCharlsie Pecoraro

Death to High Heels? Indoor Plants for Stress Relief! In the Spotlight: Ronnie Lee's Automotive

I was perusing the latest headlines and a couple of articles about high heels caught my attention. Could 2021 mark the end to a trend that began with Catherine de Medici in the mid-1500's? I remember "clomping" around the house as a small child in my mom's pumps. High heels were a right of passage for little girls raised in the south. My granddaughter gravitates to heels and wedges whenever we go shoe shopping and she is only 8.

As a professional entrepreneur, heels have always found a welcome home in my closet. They are the ideal companion for a tailored business suit or career dress. This year of working from home has found many women grabbing their favorite sneakers while their dress shoes gather dust on the shelf. In fact, according to statistics in one article I read, sales of heels were down 71% in the second quarter of 2020. Death of heels, I think not.

After a year of not dressing up, many ladies are looking forward to embracing their feminine style again. Sure, it was fun to wear yoga pants, sneakers and a dress shirt for your ZOOM calls. I understand the novelty of our year of social distancing. Just because it became your new routine for WFH does not mean it will play well at the office.

Recently, I met with one of my "boss partners" and she walked into the coffee shop wearing a gorgeous pair of black pumps. Her professional appearance spoke volumes to me about how she viewed the seriousness of our meeting. Never ever underestimate the power of your shoes! A 2012 study from the University of Kansas found that people were able to accurately judge 90% of a stranger’s personality, including their emotional stability, by looking at their most-worn pair of shoes. Let that fact sink in before you head out the door for your next encounter!

As restrictions relax and opportunities to gather increase, I predict that ladies will slip on their dressy sandals for dinner dates. Heels will take their place in the business world and sneakers will once again be the stars for leisure time.

My mom let me play in her clothes, wear makeup, and I had high heels from a thrift store. My mom tells me that the only reason she let me dress in her clothes is because she couldn't afford any toys, and it seemed entertaining enough and kept her from having to buy me anything, 'cause everything I wanted was in her makeup box or wardrobe. Sharon Needles

In the Spotlight: Ronnie Lee's Automotive

Owner of Ronnie Lee's Automotive
Andrew Lee

Andrew Lee, owner of Ronnie Lee's Automotive, may look serious in this photo but I can assure you that he will greet you with a winning smile at his repair shop. He took over his late father's business in 2017 and has brought it into the "world of technology".

Over 70% of his customer base is female and that speaks to his integrity and customer service. He strictly services European automobiles, specializing in BMW, Mercedes, Audi, VW and Volvo.

As a BMW owner and enthusiast I am very tuned to the fact that these driving machines tend to have a finicky nature. If you are like me and love the way they maneuver, then you have to find a mechanic to keep you on the road!

Andrew and his team are your one stop shop in Baldwin County! In fact, he is one of the only repair shops that carries Liqui Moly, an oil created in Germany for performance foreign cars.

Making an appointment is the best way to schedule routine maintenance or repairs. Give his office a call on weekdays at 251-625-3355.

He does have a nice waiting room for those quick repairs or you can drop off your vehicle. He is located on CR 64 in Daphne. Read his story on the website by clicking here.


Plants for Stress Relief

This little beauty was a gift from Diane Cashen. It has a prominent home on my desk. I can assure you that it brings me so much joy.

There are 5 reasons that plants make you happier according to a recent article I read from Plantscapers.

  1. They can improve your healing process by lowering blood pressure, reducing stress, boosting your immune system, creating a positive mood and improving your sleep!

  2. Plants can bring feeling of vitality and improve your state of mind. This can increase performance and energy.

  3. Biophila is the connection humans feel to nature and plants tend to help us relax and connect.

  4. Memory retention increases by 20% when you are around plants according to a study done by the University of Michigan. Concentration and memory can be enhanced.

  5. Plants and their leaves absorb noise so background distractions will be buffered if you have plants in your home and office.

Visit your local nursery or garden center this week and invest in your well being by adding a plant to your home or office!

Like people, plants respond to extra attention.”— H. Peter Loewer

This week is a busy one with new photo sessions for boss partners: AlaCoast Insurance Agency, Handy Guys Moving and Michelle Tice of Strategic Wealth Specialists. I can't wait to tell their stories on the website!

Have a wonderful time and enjoy each day to its fullest. See you next week! ~ Charlsie


Collective Minds LLC

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